Vault | 7.6000 | 8 | |
Vault | 5.9000 | 9 | |
Vault | 8.5000 | 8 | |
Vault | 8.2000 | 9 | |
Vault | 5.7000 | 9 | |
AA | 35.9000 | 9 |
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Meet | Team | Level Division | AA | |
2020-2021 | ||||
2021 PA Men's State Championships | Gravity Forge Gym | 71 12+ yrs | 35.9000 9 | |
2021 Brian Babcock Invitational | Gravity Forged | 71 12 Up | 30.4000 6 | |
2021 Centre Elite Classic- Mens | Gravity Forged Gym | 71 12 Up | 27.2000 4 | |
John Pancott Memorial Invitational | Gravity Forged Gymnastics | 6D1 6D1: 10 - 11 | 52.8000 6 | |
2019-2020 | ||||
2020 PA Men's State Championship | Gravity Forge Gym | 61 10-11yr | 53.8000 4 | |
2020 Brian Babcock Invitational | Gravity Forged | 61 10-11 yrs | 52.4000 17 | |
2020 PA State Challenge | Gravity Forged Gymnastics | 6D1 11 up | 53.0000 8 | |
2018-2019 | ||||
2019 MEN'S REGION 7 CHAMPIONSHIPS | Gravity Forge Gym | 51 10 yrs | 58.5000 20T | |
2019 Boys State Championships | Pa Gravity Forged Gy | 51 10 yrs. | 57.0000 8 | |
PBI2019 | Gravity Forged (NEW) | 51 9-10 | 54.8000 10 | |
2019 Brian Babcock Invitational - Individual, Compulsory and Optionals | Gravity Forged | 51 10 yrs | 53.4000 12 | |
2018 Men's Christmas City Classic | Gravity Forged | 52 9-10 yrs. | 52.5000 1 | |
2017-2018 | ||||
PA Men's State Championships | Gravity Forged Gymna | 41 9 yrs. | 57.2000 5 | |
Philadelphia Boys' Invitational | Gravity Forged (NEW) | 41 9-10 | 57.9000 177T | |
2018 Brian Babcock Invitational - Individual Optional and Compulsory | Gravity Forged | 41 8-9 yrs | 56.7000 3T | |
2018 PA State Challenge | Gravity Forged Gymnastics | 4D1 9 under | 53.6000 5 |