Vault | 8.0500 | 14T | |
Vault | 8.2000 | 14T | |
Vault | 8.5500 | 11T | |
Vault | 8.3000 | 17T | |
AA | 33.1000 | 14T |
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Meet | Team | Level Division | AA | |
2019-2020 | ||||
2020 Midwest Gina Morri | Northern Twistars | XG 13 and Up | 33.1000 14T | |
2020 Legacy Luau | NTG | XG Group D | 34.1250 9 | |
2020 Legacy Luau | Northern Twistar | XG Senior | 32.4500 16 | |
2020 Jam Hops Iron Maiden | NTG | XG D | 33.9000 11 | |
2018-2019 | ||||
2019 Xcel Region 4 Championship | NTG | XG Sr N | 16.9750 24 | |
MN State Finals - Xcel | NTG | XG Sr H | 25.8500 22 | |
Midwest Gina Morri 2019 | Northern Twistars | XG 13+ yrs | 32.7500 22 | |
Classic Spectacular 2019 | NTG | XG Sr B | 33.8000 17 | |
2017-2018 | ||||
2018 Classic Spectacular | NTG | XG Sr B | 32.2000 21 | |
2016-2017 | ||||
2017 Tropical Twist Invitational | Northern Twistars | S 11 | 34.6000 10 |