Vault | 9.3250 | 2 | |
Vault | 9.3250 | 6 | |
Vault | 9.0250 | 3T | |
Vault | 9.4000 | 2 | |
AA | 37.0750 | 3 |
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Meet | Team | Level Division | AA | |
2019-2020 | ||||
Corona Open 2020 | Gym Max | 8 Sr A | 37.0750 3 | |
2020 Winner's Cup | Gym-Max | 8 10,11,12 y | 36.2000 5 | |
2020 World Elite Classic | Gym-Max | 8 Sr A | 36.6750 2 | |
2018-2019 | ||||
2019 Level 6 7 Regionals | Gym-Max | 7 Jr A | 38.6250 1 | |
So-Cal Level 6-10 State Championships | Gym Max | 7 Jr 12A | 37.8250 3 | |
Corona Open 2019 | Gym Max | 7 Ch 11 - 12 | 38.7000 1 | |
2020 World Elite Classic | Gym-Max | 7 Ch 11 | 38.2750 1 | |
2019 Gliders Invitational | Gym-Max | 7 Middle | 38.6250 1 | |
2017-2018 | ||||
2018 Level 6 7 Region One Championship | Gym-Max | 6 Child B | 38.7250 3 | |
2018 Level 6-10 State Championships | Gym-Max | 6 11A | 38.3500 1 | |
2018 Lights, Camera, Action! | Gym-Max | 6 Jr 11 | 38.2000 1 | |
Corona Open 2018 | Gym-Max | 6 Ch A | 38.1000 1 | |
2018 Gliders Fun In The Sun Invitational | Gym-Max | 6 10-11 | 38.2750 1 | |
2017 So Cal North State Championships | Gym-Max | 5 Ch 10B | 38.2500 1 | |
Sectional Championship 2017 | Gym-Max | 5 Ch 10 | 38.6000 1 | |
Butterfly Classic 2017 | Gym-Max | 5 Ch 9 - 10 | 38.2250 2 | |
Compulsory Kick Off | Gym Max | 5 9-10 yrs | 37.4750 10T | |
2016-2017 | ||||
2016 So Cal North Level 3,4,5 State | Gym-Max | 5 9 | 36.0250 18 | |
East Sectional Championship 2016 | Gym-Max | 5 Ch 9 | 36.0500 5 | |
2016 Club Champion's Wild West Prelim - 3rd So Cal | GYM-MAX | 5 9 10 | 35.8250 4 | |
2016 OGA Invitational | Gym Max | 5 9 yrs. | 36.3250 16 | |
2016 World Elite Cup | Gym-Max | 5 9-10 yrs. | 35.5500 6 | |
2015-2016 | ||||
2016 Gymnastics Legends International | Gym-Max | 4 Ch 6-8 | 36.5250 4T | |
2015 SoCal North State Championships | Gym-Max | 4 8B | 34.9500 15 | |
West Sectional Championships | Gym Max | 4 Ch 7-8 | 34.5000 21 | |
3rd Prelim Welcome to Wonderland | Gym Max | 4 Ch 8 | 35.5250 9 | |
W.E. Rock Invitational 2015 | Gym-Max | 4 8-U | 35.0750 6 | |
2015 Team OC Challenge | Gym Max | 4 7-8 yrs. | 34.1250 11 | |
2015 South 1st prelim | Gym Max | 4 7-8 | 33.3250 13 | |
2014-2015 | ||||
Socal North State Championships | AGA Mini | 3 7B | 36.2750 14 | |
East Sectional Championships 2014 | AGA | 3 Ch 7 B | 35.5250 9 | |
3rd So Cal 2014 Pumpkin Patch Prelim | AGA | 3 6 7 | 34.3750 19 | |
2014 Socal South 2nd Prelim | AGA (SC) | 3 7 yrs. | 36.4000 3 | |
2014 NAWGJ-SC JUDGES' CUP NORTH | AGA | 3 6-7 | 34.7250 10 |