Vault | 12.7000 | 9 | |
Vault | 9.4500 | 23 | |
Vault | 12.7500 | 4 | |
Vault | 12.2000 | 18T | |
Vault | 12.2500 | 1 | |
Vault | 11.8500 | 5 | |
AA | 71.2000 | 9T |
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Meet | Team | Level Division | AA | |
2017-2018 | ||||
2018 Region 7 Men's Championship | KMC Gymnastics | 10 17 | 71.2000 9T | |
PA Men's State Championships | Kmc Gymnastics | 10 17 up | 74.8000 2 | |
HNI Mens Arena | KMC Gymnastics | 10 L10: 17 | 74.7000 3 | |
2018 Brian Babcock Invitational - Jr. / Sr. Team Cup and Elite | KMC | SR *** | 71.5000 18T | |
2017 Greater New York Invitational | KMC Dance and | 10 17y-18y | 69.9000 9 | |
2016-2017 | ||||
2017 JO Men's Nationals | KMC | 10 Age 16 | 67.1000 39 | |
2017 Region 7 Men's Championship | KMC Gymnastics | 10 16yr | 73.9500 6 | |
2017 PA Boys State Championships | KMC Gymnastics | 10 16 | 75.5000 2 | |
2017 Brian Babcock Invitational - Individual Compulsory and Optional | KMC | 10 16 | 75.7000 5T | |
Greater NY 2016 Boys | 023825-KMC Dance and | 10 16y | 73.4000 2 | |
2015-2016 | ||||
2016 Men's JO Nationals | KMC Gymnastics | 10 15 yrs | 73.6000 25 | |
2016 Region 7 Men's Championships | KMC01 | 10 15 yrs | 76.9000 5 | |
2016 PA State Championships | KMC Gymnastics | 10 15 to 16 | 75.6000 6 | |
Philadelphia Boys' Invitational 2016 | KMC Gymnastics | 10 15-16 | 72.1000 13 | |
2014-2015 | ||||
2015 BlackJack Men's Championship | KMC | 9 13-14 | 69.4000 27 | |
2013-2014 | ||||
2014 USAG Men's JO National Championships- Prelims (Sessions 1-6) | KMC | 9 13 yrs. | 0.00000 | |
2014 Region 7 Men's Optional Championships | KMC | J9 13-14 yrs | 75.3500 6 | |
2014 PA State Championships | KMC Gymnastics | 9 13 to 14 | 74.0000 5 | |
Philadelphia Boys' Invitational 2014 | KMC Gymnastics | 9 13-14 | 74.2000 7 | |
2012-2013 | ||||
2013 Men's JO AA / Event Finals | Kmc | 8 12 yrs | 71.3500 2 | |
2013 Men's JO National Qualifier | Kmc | 8 11-12 yrs | 68.6000 61T | |
2013 Region 7 Boys Optional Championships - Optional Routines (JE and JO) | Kmc | 8 12 | 72.2500 3 | |
2013 Philadelphia Boys | KMC Gymnastics | 8 12-13 | 0.00000 40* | |
Level 7/8 | Kmc | 8 11-12 | 73.7000 1 | |
2011-2012 | ||||
Level 9 | Kmc | 9 12-13 | 76.6000 9T |