Carli Cutler

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Meet Team Level Division AA
2007 Nevada State Gymnastics Championship Flips USA 6 CHILD 33.6250 11
2007 Spirit of the Flame Flips 6 Ch 7-10 32.5000 10T
2007 Starz and Stripes Invitational - Girls Flips 6 Ch 7-10 35.4250 2
2007 Gymnastics Nevada Challenge- Women's Flips 6 Ch 8-11 34.9500 2
2007 Flips USA Invitational Flips USA 6 Ch 7-11 33.8500 6
Goblin Games Invitational 2006 Flips 5 Ch A 35.4250 5
2006 Flips Gold Dust Invitational Flips USA 5 Ch 7-8 35.3250 5
2006 Nevada State Championships - Womens Gym Nevada 5 L 5: Jr A 34.6000 10
2006 Starz and Stripes Invitational Gym Nevada 5 Ch 7-10 34.9000 7
2006 Hilton Invitational Gym Nevada 5 Ch 7-8 34.0500 3
2006 Golden State Classic Gym Nevada 5 Younger 34.3750 4
2006 Flips Invitational Gym Nevada 5 Ch 7-9 33.8000 10
2005 Nevada Fall State Meet Gymnastics Nevada 5 Ch 7-8 34.2250 7
2005 Gold Country Invitational Gym Nevada 5 Younger 33.2250 7
2005 Nevada State Chanpionships Gym Nevada 4 B-Younger 35.6500 4
2005 Hilton Invitational Gym Nevada 4 6-7 35.3500 2
2005 Golden State Classic Gym Nevada 4 Younger 33.4500 6
2004 Nevada State Gym Nevada02 04 6-7 years 31.5250 21
2004 Flips USA Gym Nevada 4 Ch 7 27.2500 12

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