Live Notification Services

Sign up and receive live scores directly to your mobile phone. Follow as many clubs and athletes as you like, this service is unlimited.

Steps to get started

  1. Create or login to your MSO User Account
  2. Click on the button Live Notifications
  3. Sign up for Live Notifications
  4. After returning from PayPal, your subscription will appear as paid
  5. Search for your club
  6. Click PICK your club to follow
  7. You should immediately receive a text message
  8. Confirm your subscription
  9. That’s it! Never miss a score again :)

Following additional clubs

  1. Log into your MSO User Account
  2. Click on the button Live Notifications
  3. Search for your club
  4. Click PICK your club to follow
  5. You should immediately receive a text message
  6. Confirm your subscription

Following clubs from results

  1. Log into your MSO User Account
  2. Browse scores that are already in progress
  3. Click on the club in the results
  4. Click the Follow Live Scores link

Need help or have additional questions? Contact us at:

Cancelling Your Subscription

  1. From your MSO User Dashboard
  2. Click the Your Orders button
  3. On the bottom of your orders page click on Lookup Live Subscribe Profile button
  4. On the next page click on the Cancel Live Subscription button
  5. Upon successful cancellation you will see this message:
  6. Additionally, you will receive a cancellation response directly from PayPal
  7. If there was an issue cancelling your subscription you will see this message

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