MSO All Access Pass
All Access to MSO including Stats and Live Scores.
Steps to get started
- Create or login to your MSO User Account
- Click MENU (graphic top right), click User Options, click Live Subscribe
- Sign up for the All Access Pass + Live Scores
- After returning from PayPal, your subscription could take a minute or 2 to activate
- Once active, you will see realtime scores in your browser on the results page.
- See our FAQ for more details on live scores
Cancelling Your Subscription
- From your MSO User Dashboard
- Click MENU (graphic top right), click User Options, click Your Orders
- On Your Orders page, click the title of the subscription and there you will see a cancel button
- On the next page click on the Cancel Live Subscription button

- Upon successful cancelation you will see this message:

Additionally, you will receive a cancellation response directly from PayPal
- If there was an issue cancelling your subscription you will see this message

- If troubles cancelling, please open a New Support Ticket
Real-Time Scores FAQ
- How can I tell if an event is publishing live scores?
- 80% of events are publishing live scores. To be certain, from the Results Page in the Active and Upcoming Meets section each meet has a status and below the status is the last time scores were received (see sample graphic below).
- Events that are publishing live scores, you should see "Less than a minute ago.." or "2 minutes ago.." or similar period of time in munutes.
- Keep in mind that the event might be between competitive sessions, so you might see "15 minutes ago.." or similar time-frame.
- If this text reads in "1 Days ago" or "4 Hours ago".. they might not be publishing live scores.
- Who is responsible for live scores?
- It is up to the event host to publish their scores live, MSO is responsible only for delivering the live published scores to you by mobile web app.
- Many factors can have an effect on the events ability to publish live scores, such as: technical or connectivity issues, meet emergencies and other unmitigated issue at the scorer's table.
- The scorer at the meet is like the Air Traffic Controller in the control tower. Their job is multi-faceted and can be stressful and they are constantly bombarded with questions as they sit there. Although real-time scoring is an important facet for the event, it is often the first thing to be neglected or turned off during an emergency.