Having trouble finding your athlete record? We can assist you! Click Continue and finish registering your new MSO User account. Once signed onto your MSO User Dashboard, please open a new support issue by clicking on User Support button on left.
We linked your account to your athlete record. You will need to complete the following challenge questions to enable your athlete features. Once we've reviewed your answers, will follow up by email or simply log back into your user dashboard to check the status.
To activate your account, we will send an activation code to your mobile device.
Forgot your user name or password - click here to recover -
Your account is already active.
User DashboardCheck your mobile (or email - we also included your activation code in the email we sent when you signed up) for activation code now. Please enter activation code and click Activate.
Can't create new account while you are logged in.
User DashboardWe will follow up with you in 12-48 hours by email or log back into your MSO User Account to check your registration status.