Feb 25, 2006
Oakland, CA

Aquafina 2006 Pacific Coast Collegiate Classic

Hosted By:

Facility: Oakland Convention Center

Located: Oakland, CA

NCAA Men's Gymnastics Invitational

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The Aquafina 2006 Pacific Coast Collegiate Classic is the largest men's NCAA invitational in the country. Televised by Fox Sports Net (FSN Bay Area). Seats are limited and a sellout is anticipated. For advance online tickets: www.usa-sports.org. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Location: Oakland Convention Center. Universities: 7 of the top 10 ranked men's teams in the country! #1 University of Oklahoma, #3 Stanford University, #6 University of Michigan, #7 University of Iowa, # 8 University of California Berkeley, #9 University of Minnesota, #10 College of William and Mary. Event Director - Karen Owoc and Competition Director - Steve Butcher.

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