Mar 11, 2007
San Mateo, CA

2007 NCBGA Level 5-7 Qualifier to State Championships

Hosted By: Peninsula Gymnastics

Facility: Peninsula Gymnastics

Located: San Mateo, CA

[#{Club}] #{FullName} #{Sess} - Level #{Level} #{data.sessionDate} - #{data.time1Label} #{data.time1} #{data.time2Label} #{data.time2} #{data.time3Label} #{data.time3} #{data.time4Label} #{data.time4}

NCBGA QUALIFIER to the STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS hosted by Peninsula Gymnastics and its Booster Club, GFCT. Level 5, 6 and 7 gymnasts competing in the Northern California Boys Gymnastics Association not achieving the prescribed qualifying scores (see for the qualifying scores) get a second chance to qualify for the State Championships at this meet. For registration information send an email to The deadline to register is March 4, 2007.

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