Fall Fiesta 2016USAG Designated Local Girls MeetLevels 2-10/XCELAll levels Sanctioned and JudgedAccording to USAG Rules and PoliciesAGE GROUPSPer Rules and Policies of Designated Local MeetINDIVIDUAL AWARDSIndividual medals for 50% of Age GroupsL2-3 100% for AA and individual event ribbonsTEAM AWARDTrophies for 50% of TeamsFORMATTraditional/Capital Cup(dependent of number of gymnasts)EQUIPMENTAAI and Spieth Bars, Nissen Beams, Palmer SpringFloor, and AAI VaultENTRY FEESTEAM- $25 per LevelINDIVIDUAL FEESL2- $45.00L3-5/XCEL- $55.00L6-10- $65.00
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