Mar 29, 2015
Van Nuys, CA

SCMGA L4 Team State Championships 2015

Hosted By: Gymnastics Olympica USA

Facility: Gymnastics Olympica USA, Inc.

Located: Van Nuys, CA

So. Calif. Men's Gymnastics Assoc. Level 4 Team State Championships 2015

[#{Club}] #{FullName} #{Sess} - Level #{Level} #{data.sessionDate} - #{data.time1Label} #{data.time1} #{data.time2Label} #{data.time2} #{data.time3Label} #{data.time3} #{data.time4Label} #{data.time4}

Statewide (Southern California) Championships where only Level 4 teams compete against similar sized teams. Instead of the customary SCMGA ribbons earned for point ranges, gymnasts will earn 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 points that can count towards a team score. Small teams of 2-5 gymnasts, Medium teams of 6-10 gymnasts and Large teams of 11 and more gymnasts will vie for honors only withing these divisions and only as teams.

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